When someone we love or know dies by suicide, those bereaved often experience a very complicated form of grief,caused by a combination of sudden shock, unanswered questions of ‘Why?’, and feelings of ‘What could I have done?’
You may experience a range of emotions highlighting the dramatic personal effect that suicide can have.
By talking about it, you can begin to heal
If you are dealing with the suicide of a loved one or a friend, it’s important that you feel free to talk about your reactions to suicide openly and honestly.
It’s also important that you receive the support that helps you make sense of what has happened.
Talking about it can help you. And it can help others too…
Our Support After Suicide Bereavement Group
Lifeline Mid Coast’s Support After Suicide Bereavement Groups are for adults who have experienced the loss of someone through suicide.
They are open groups, facilitated by trained, experienced people who have also lost a loved one to suicide.
You are welcome to attend, as you feel the need.
An environment of trust
The groups provide a safe and confidential environment of trust for people to talk about what they are going through.
Our participants find that sharing their experience with others, along with listening to the similar experiences of others, is invaluable.
The sense of community and support that comes from participating in our group can help to relieve the intense personal pain associated with suicide bereavement.